Grumpy Old Geeks

Not nearly grumpy enough

Look, I’ve actually met both of you. Snark is in our blood, but somehow I managed to escape LA (Santa Monica) back in 97 and my cynicism grew while yours only seems to have festered. Brian’s leaving for another county (like I did) give me great hope that he might develop a level of callousness this show should definitely have. Not to mention any names here, but certain other co-hosts could learn something and flee the lunatic asylum after all these years and see that there is indeed no reason to hold back anymore. Seriously, you guys are and have been great. Brian you shouldn’t have a problem wiring in once your settled in Canada; it’s not like broadband isn’t better outside the United States (it generally is) and Dave manages to do it even during cicada season. Keep up the good work. P.s. I do miss running into you fools. (Now you really will wonder who wrote the review…) -W who left for Scandinavia, but was too stupid so came back to the US in time for President Orange Stain.

July 21, 2021 by Electrocat71 on Apple Podcasts

Grumpy Old Geeks

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