04: How we got our groove

This week the guys talk about free online education, how free software can bite you in the ass, and wonky design. Subscribe to the Grumpy Old Geeks in iTunes and give us a five star rating. You know you want to... Sponsors: Burner - Download the app and use the code GRUMPY to get 3 free credits. Open to the first 50 listeners who download the app. Shownotes:: Grumpy Old Geeks on Twitter Grumpy Old Geeks on Facebook Russ Meyer Goo Goo Dolls LiveJournal FitBit Radiohead Appcelerator Amazon Web Services Stella Artois Blink Tag IBM XT Pascal Autodidacticism Concurrent Versions System FutureSplash Animator Codeacademy ExpressionEngine Drupal Lynda Stack Overflow Graceful Degradation PHP Scalability Load balancing MySQL Facebook At 13 Million Queries Per Second Recommends: Minimize Request Variance Technorati Google Shipping Container Data Centers Explore a Google data center with Street View College of DuPage Photography Program History of Photography Podcast UCLA Extension udemy MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities Downcast Instacast 3 Endgame by Rise Against Tumblr Wordpress