The Hosts

Jason DeFillippo

Jason has been building websites since the early days in 1994 for clients that range from small businesses to million dollar websites for blockbuster films to his own start-ups. In 1995 a new media company in Santa Monica moved him out to Los Angeles to build the first website for Epson America. Since then Jason has launched over 250 websites for major corporations like Paramount Pictures, Sony, Warner Brothers, and Disney. He also created the two time SXSW Weblog Award winning as well as co-founded the global blog network Metroblogging. He has worked at several startups in San Francisco including and 8020 Media, the publishers of and statistical aggregator Currently Jason is a full-time podcast producer and editor.

Brian Schulmeister

Brian lives in Venice, frequents Toronto and London and has spent a lot of the last 10 years happily living out of a suitcase - and a large backpack filled with laptops, cords, wires and various bits and bobs that bloop and bleep.  He's the co-founder of Slender Fungus, a design company working primarily within the music industry.  He is also the co-writer with Rob Takac of the Goo Goo Dolls in Amungus, an electronica based music project that's released an EP and played a few festivals.  Brian started with technology at the dawn of time, even running his own BBS at the age of 13, and has stuck with it since then.  Needless to say, he's quite grumpy.

Dave Bittner

Dave Bittner is the producer and host of the CyberWire podcast, a popular daily cyber security news program produced in Baltimore. He has more than twenty years' experience in journalism and media production. He’s been tinkering with electronics practically his whole life, cobbling together a computer system to dial in to pre-internet BBS systems at the age of ten with the money he saved from his paper route. After college (University of Maryland, Radio, TV and Film) he was among the pioneers of desktop digital video, cofounding Pixel Workshop, an award winning digital media production company in Columbia, MD. Following twenty years as an entrepreneur, he was lured away by one of his clients, CyberPoint International, to help support their mission of protecting what’s invaluable in cyberspace. The CyberWire was spun off from CyberPoint in early 2016, and since then he has been working with a talented team of creative and technical professionals to make sure the Cyberwire Daily Podcast maintains its leadership position in the industry for quality, integrity and relevance. He lives in Columbia, Maryland, with his wife, two sons, and a dog.

Robert Fogarty

Voiceovers for the show are by Robert Fogarty. You can check out his personal website here.


Intro music for the show is provided by the band Amungus. You can find them on iTunes, Spotify, and Apple Music or get 10 exclusive tracks when you sponsor us on Patreon.

Andy Stochansky

Outro music for the show is provided by Andy Stochansky. You can follow Andy at @HouseofAndy and he's also on Soundcloud where you can listen to the outro song in its entirety.