Grumpy Old Geeks

Interesting Tech Show with Good Personalities

These two are a delight to listen to while you drive down the road or even exercise. The show is broken up into segments which span from the media to security hacks throughout the week. Brian comes from a heavy music background and Jason from a heavy computer background. They rarely get so deep into the tech that you get lost if you have a casual grasp of computers. They do curse sometimes and talk about drinking often, so if you dislike those things this is not for you. Overall for a mature show I give it five stars. I listen to this the minute it downloads (the only show I waste bandwidth downloading) and it stays in my stream along with Planet Money, This American Life, and Hardcore History. Could a friend of the show be your uncle?

Jan. 26, 2015 by Demmodredd on Apple Podcasts

Grumpy Old Geeks

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